Monday: Practice
(C/JV/V) 3:30-5:30. Jr. High BBB
practice @ 5:00 after Free throw contest.
Elem south gym.
Tuesday: BBB vs.
Clearbrook-Gonvick. C team @ 4:30 Elem North
Gym, JV @ 5:30 with V to follow. Jr.
High BBB 5:30-7:30 practice.
Wednesday: Practice
Thursday: C/JV/V Practice Only in the Elem gym(s). 3:30-5:30. Home wrestling match in the HS gym.
Friday: BBB vs. G-G. 7th/C start at 5:00 with 8th to follow in ELEM gyms. JV @ 6:00 with V to follow.
Wednesday: Practice
Thursday: C/JV/V Practice Only in the Elem gym(s). 3:30-5:30. Home wrestling match in the HS gym.
Friday: BBB vs. G-G. 7th/C start at 5:00 with 8th to follow in ELEM gyms. JV @ 6:00 with V to follow.