Boys Basketball February 12th-17th

Monday- Practice
Tuesday-BBB @ SA.  8th & C team only (get out at 2:30 leave at 2:45)  Game times for C & 8th grade
start @ 4:30.    JV/V bus leaves at 3:45 (JV start time of 6:00)
Wednesday:  Practice
Thursday:  BBB vs. Bagley. C starts at 5:00 in ELEM.  JV @ 6 followed by V.  Senior/Parents night. We will announce C/JV/V players and parents before the Varsity game warm ups. After Varsity game we will have cake in the HS study hall room for all C/JV/V parents and players.
Friday:  Practice
Saturday:  Jr. High tournament @ Warroad (8:45 a.m. bus time).  
(Varsity @ Northland in TRF vs. Sacred Heart.  Bus time of 4:45.  Game is @ 8:00 p.m.)